Get to know us

Welcome to Vivasvān! We are dedicated to providing personalized consultations and holistic solutions rooted in ancient wisdom and modern insights. With a focus on one-on-one guidance and remedial measures, we strive to empower individuals on their spiritual journey and enhance their overall well-being.

Our mission

At Vivasvān, our mission is to facilitate spiritual growth and transformation by offering personalized consultations, effective remedial measures, and educational resources in meditation and occult sciences. We strive to create a supportive and nurturing environment where individuals can explore their spiritual path with confidence and clarity.

Our vision

We envision a world where the culture and importance of occult science are revived amidst the fast-paced changes. Our goal is to re-establish the significance of mystical arts in the hearts of everyone, guiding individuals to embrace their inner wisdom and spiritual connections in navigating life's journey.

Our Founder

With the grace of the goddess Maa Lalita Maha Tripursundari, I was born into a lineage of astrologers and have gained natural sensitivity and intuition.

Throughout my life, I have learned about many occult practices and have been working in the field of occult and divination for about 7 years.

My natural sensitivity and intuition, combined with my knowledge and experience in astrology, have allowed me to help others gain insight and clarity in their lives.

I am grateful for the gifts I have been given and for the opportunity to use them to assist others on their spiritual journeys.

Kanchi Parsai


My Expertise

What i have learned throughout my years of experience:

  • Astrology: We interpret the stars and planets to offer guidance and insights into your life, helping you understand your strengths, challenges, and destiny.

  • Graphology: By examining your handwriting, we can reveal personality traits, emotional states, and potential areas for personal development. We also analyze signatures and logos to provide deeper insights into personal identity and brand perception.

  • Aura and Chakra Reading: We sense and interpret the energy fields surrounding you, assessing the health of your chakras to provide insights into your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

  • Hypnotherapy: Using hypnosis, we help facilitate healing and self-improvement, addressing issues like stress, anxiety, and past traumas.

  • Tarot Reading: We offer profound insights and guidance through Tarot cards, helping you navigate life's challenges and make informed decisions.

  • Lenormand Card Reading: Using Lenormand cards, we provide straightforward and clear answers to your questions, offering practical advice and predictions.

  • Cowrie Shell Divination: An ancient practice, we use cowrie shells to reveal hidden truths and offer guidance on various aspects of your life.

  • 27 Silver Coins Reading: This unique method involves reading silver coins to provide comprehensive insights and predictions.

  • Cartomancy: Divination using regular playing cards, we predict outcomes and offer guidance based on the cards drawn.

  • Ramal Jyotish: A traditional Vedic system of astrology, we use Ramal Jyotish to foretell future events with precision.

  • Bhrigu Nanda Astrology: An advanced form of astrology, we provide detailed and in-depth readings to help you understand your life's path.

  • Numerology: We analyze numbers to reveal deeper insights into your personality, life path, and future.

  • Akashic Record Reading: We access the Akashic records to provide profound insights into your soul's journey, past lives, and future potentials.

  • Astral Projection: Guiding you in techniques to explore the astral plane and have out-of-body experiences.

  • Chakra Meditations: Personalized meditation sessions focused on balancing and healing your chakras.

  • Master Reiki: Offering powerful Reiki sessions for deep healing and energy balancing.

  • Swar Shastra: Interpreting the flow of breath to provide insights and guidance.

  • Prashna Kundli: Answering your specific questions using the horary astrology technique.

  • KP Prashna: Utilizing Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP) astrology for precise and accurate predictions based on your questions.

Occult Services

a tree filled with lots of purple and green flowers
a tree filled with lots of purple and green flowers

Divine Guidance

Explore our range of divine occult sessions and vedic remedies for guidance and healing.

a tree branch with green leaves against a blue sky
a tree branch with green leaves against a blue sky
a tree with purple flowers in the foreground and a blue sky in the background
a tree with purple flowers in the foreground and a blue sky in the background
Gemstones Collection

Discover our exquisite gems and gemstones for enhancing energy and positivity in your life.

Monthly Meditations

Join our monthly meditation sessions for inner peace and spiritual growth.

Discover a world of divine occult services, gems, gemstones, vedic remedies, and meditation sessions for holistic healing.